Friday, June 6, 2008

Birdie Blue is Born

So I've been wanting to somehow organize my creative life. Organize creativity? Seems contadictory, I know. I'm a huge fan of blogs that showcase women's creative talents. So here's mine. Not that I'm creatively talented by any means. Simply, I just like to create. I am not partial to one set medium. In fact, I consider myself a "Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-nothing," when it comes to crafting.

I'm probably a bit touched with A.D.D. when it comes to creating. I love dabbling in all mediums, usually in the same project. Would that make me a mixed media artist? I don't think I would go as far as defining myself an artist. Yet, to me, to define someone as a "crafter" seems so general and impersonal. Nowadays, crafting is often synonamous with art. Crafters/artists put so much of themselves into their creations, that to catagorize us with the blanket term crafter, I feel, reduces what we create as just another decorative item - when each project is so very personal. Of course, like art, crafting is subjective. We may not particularly like someone else's crafting style, however, the artist within us should be able to at least, appreciate the process of another's creation.

My disclaimer is this, I don't profess to be highly skilled or even remotely talented when it comes to the creative process. I just know I like to create.
The purpose of this blog isn't to showcase my work for all the world to see. It's merely an electronic journal to remind me of projects I've done, or am working on. There might be times when I post about something someone else has done, or things other people do that I would like to try. I'm sure those posts will be plentiful - quite possibly the majority.

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